Saturday, February 15, 2014


People have been asking us a lot of questions lately... and they all start with the word WHY?

For example, Why did you start doing this?
                     Why the name Simple Blessings?
                     Why don't you have a store?
                     Why are your prices so reasonable?

So... We thought we would take a little time and answer a few of these common questions!

We started this exciting journey about 5 years ago. Mom always dreamed about decorating her house for christmas and letting people come through. As we were brainstorming about this, we decided to make a few things and try to sell them. We put a sign by the road, told a few friends.... and we sold everything, I mean everything! We did it the following year again in the farmhouse, and then the next two years as part of Beneath the Tree. This past year we decided we wanted it back on the farm. It is easier for us in some ways, and we love the coziness of the farmhouse...that is the story of the Farmhouse Christmas Sale.
 Our desire to pursue this adventure came solely out of our love of spending time together. We think a lot like, but yet we balance each other out. We love to "pick", work in the shop, and sew... but baking is not our thing.. and now we passed this down to the third "musketeer"... Madison. So this adventure has turned into three generations of crazy!

So you asked, Why the name Simple Blessings??
Over the past 5 years we have endured many challenges in life.. including cancer.... but through everything we have face, we realize that we are truly blessed. Our Heavenly Father is walking alongside us, never letting go. Our family is something that we take for granted, but their love and support could never be replaced. And friends..... We are surrounded by such wonderful, christian friends who are always within reach. So... We called it Simple Blessings because we are simply blessed. Life is not about what you have, its about what you do with it....that even includes our belongings... everything has a purpose in God's plan.
   In Matthew 25: 14-30, Jesus tells the story of the three servants, each one entrusted with a valuable talent of money. Two of the servants were faithful and put their money to work for their master, using it to accomplish his purposes. And they were rewarded for their efforts when their master said, "Well done, good and faithful servant!" 
  It's the same for us. As we use the things God gives us to work toward His goals, like blessing others, we're sharing in God's happiness. Now you say... Really??? Let me give you an example... a kitchen table. Everyone has a kitchen table... it doesn't have to be brand new, designer, or the most expensive thing... (my husband even made mine), but the most important thing is what you do with it?
In our family it serves as a place for us to reconnect after a busy day, a place for devotions, or even a family game night. Mom's table serves many purposes also, from her accounting desk to family dinners, to crazy Red Neck Dinners with friends ( a long story!!!!) But above all... both of our tables are important in each of our lives and in God's plans for our lives and in the lives of others that sit at our tables. 
    Our mission or goal with this adventure is to be able to bless others with things we have created or repurposed, so that in turn they may use them to be a blessing to others and by being a part of God's plan! This is also the answer to why our prices are so low. We want it to be affordable to others, so that they may enjoy something new or share something with a friend in need.... and that leads to the final question...Why don't you have a store???  It is a similar answer... we want these things to be affordable to all. The overhead with a brick and mortar store is unbelievable, and it would take away from our family time..... but we do have some exciting news about a new little barn that will be built later this year on the farm... but more to come on that! 

So after all these words... it boils down to this.... We are three gals, that are blessed from our Heavenly Father, who are creating and "digging" to be able to pass on our treasures to some really neat friends... so they in turn can be blessed or be a blessing to others.... that's it... its all about 'simple blessings"... and that's who we are!

God Bless... Marilyn, Marcy, and Madison

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