Thursday, November 6, 2014

Girls Hunting Weekend

Let the count down begin. ...a little less than 2 weeks and the Sale will begin!
We having been working really hard this past week!  The barn is ready....yes... move in day is Monday, we.. are!! The shop and house are full of Christmas things for the sale and the farm will look alot like christmas by next weekend!
Please mark your calendars for Thursday, November 20 from 6-8pm and Friday, November 21 from 9-2..... come when you can!

So..... today we are off.... girls "hunting" weekend..a once a year excursion.  We have a family tradition of heading out of town for some good, old- fashion christmas shopping,  eating like pigs, talking,  laughing, pie at midnight. ... Staying overnight... and doing it all over again the next day!  No husbands. dishes. cooking. time constraints, just pure fun!

Hope you enjoy your weekend,  we sure will; )

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