Sunday, April 21, 2019

"an empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives."

My internal alarm clock goes off every morning between 4 to 4:30... even on Sunday's...especially on Sunday,  because that is the day we can sleep in!
This morning was no different,  but yet it was a little different.  I woke up this morning at 3:59am. Usually in the morning, my mind starts running thru the days events... but not this morning.  This morning I literally woke up with a Gaither hymn stuck in my head...I mean really STUCK in my head.  I tried to erase the song by thinking about all the things I had to finish before church... cinnamon rolls for breakfast, ironing everyone's clothes, decorating my bunny cake for lunch, etc,etc.
But no.... the song wouldn't leave.

I tried to think about all the "current" Easter songs that I love. The songwriter/ singer Chris Tomlin has a couple of my favorites: "I Will Rise",  "The Wonderful Cross",  "At the Cross (Love Ran Red)."....but to no avail. That hymn was stuck! 
Even though Bill and Gloria Gaither wrote this song back in the early '70's (before I was born!), it still rings true today. It probably will be one of those "old- school hymns" for my generation... forever.  I am okay with that, everybody needs a good old hymn that gets stuck in your head from time to time, right?

As I layed in bed, I ran thru the lyrics in my head:

"God sent His son, they called Him, Jesus
He came to love, heal and forgive
He lived and died to buy my pardon
An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives.
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow
Because He lives, all fear is gone
Because I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living
Just because He lives.
How sweet to hold a newborn baby
And feel the pride and the joy he gives
But greater still the calm assurance
This child can face uncertain days because He Lives.
And then one day, I’ll cross that river
I’ll fight life’s final war with pain
And then, as death gives way to vict’ry
I’ll see the lights of glory and I’ll know He reigns.
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow
Because He lives, all fear is gone
Because I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living
Just because He lives
Because he lives
Because he lives!!

I guess God wanted me to "go back - old school style" this morning. He wanted me to really concentrate on those 3 words : Because He Lives.

Those 3 simple words really describe it all...our past, present, and future.  It IS "because He lives" that I have all the assurance I need to live my life here on earth. All my fear is gone because He has paid it all on my behalf. He holds my future....ACTUALLY, He IS my future! His death and resurrection was the perfect gift...the only gift that I need. Without Him, there is no Heaven! Without Him, I have no future.

There is no greater joy than knowing those 3 words...those 14 little letters strung together...BECAUSE HE LIVES! 

Happy Easter my friends, enjoy your day... Because He Lives!


Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Crucify and be grateful?

This past Sunday we heard a wonderful sermon based on John 19:17-42.

The pastor explained that in this passage "Love suffers Death!" This text in John reveals the heart of God. No one could make this horrific story up, nobody would kill off their Savior...this is REAL, it really happened... for you and me!

You see the crucifixion really is about Thanksgiving! What?

Ok, let me explain...

Years ago in our family,  we started a tradition of going around the table and saying what we were thankful for.
Honestly,  it's usually this like... "my family, my warm house, friends, family, my clothes, my toy john deere tractor, chocolate milk".. (as you can tell the ages range from 14 months to 63!)
Our answers are always about the physical things in our lives, or maybe even each other...but no one has ever said "the crucifixion"!

Now don't get me wrong, we ARE all thankful that Jesus died on the cross for our sins... but that is usually associated with Easter lunch, not Thanksgiving dinner.

Hello People.....we are missing the boat when it comes to Thanksgiving!
It REALLY isn't about the turkey and mashed potatoes (we can still eat all day long!) or the weird family member at your table!

But, it IS about the crucifixion, about Jesus  giving it all up for us.
We will never know the burden or pain of what Jesus physically went thru on that hill of Golgotha!

We shouldn't feel guilty about His death,  we should look at the cross with gratitude! He has redeemed us!

Without His strength and determination,  I am nothing!
Without His selfish actions,  I would have no future!

I cannot live my Good Best life without Him!

As I go to my table today,  I will be thanking Him for taking my place on that cross.  Thanking Him for His forgiveness and His unending grace.
And thanking Him most of all for His redeeming gift of salvation!

May you all have a blessed Thanksgiving!


Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Romans 1:12- Each of us will be a blessing to the other!

10 years.... wow, time flies!

How can it be 10 years since mom and I started "Simple Blessings"?

Over the past 10 years we have had many changes in our personal lives! Some have been amazing... like adding 5 more grandbabies to the family; and some have been extremely difficult... like mom's battle with cancer. But with each of these mountains and valleys, one thing always remains: God's faithfulness!

God has been faithful each step of the way. Always loving us, providing for us, giving grace when we don't deserve it, and gently redirecting our paths when we start putting our desires in place of His plans.

When we started this we thought it would be a one time thing, a Christmas open house...but God had other plans!

Over the past 10 years, Simple Blessings has turned from a dream into a ministry!??..... wait,let me explain!

I use the term "ministry" lightly...we aren't a church,  we aren't a 501C3...we aren't even a "real" business. Instead, we are a couple gals who make and "find" a few things and then sell them (for a reasonable price 😉). We don't make much money,  but our mission is simple... just be a blessing! We want to bless shoppers with some kinda cool things at a decent price so everyone can enjoy... and then with the small amount of money we make,  we use it to bless others in our community and beyond! Last year we were able to build 2 homes in Guatemala!

We would have never been able to continue this without His faithfulness, and without our faithful friends that come and visit the farm each year. 

We are SO, SO thankful for each and every person that has come to visit us... whether your purchase is big or small, you have been a blessing to us and to others in your community!

This is our 11th sale, and we don't know what God has in His plans for us in the future,  so we want to CHALLENGE you this year:

At this year's christmas sale, we want you to think of someone special in your life and find something at the sale that you can bless them with! It doesn't have to be big or expensive, there will be many,  many inexpensive things you could give! You could surprise them and leave it on their doorstep (i love these kind of surprises!), or wrap it up for christmas.... whatever you want!

We want you to share in our mission,  to feel the joy when giving, and to really embrace the reason for HIS season!

So start thinking about who you want to bless,  and then come and join us NEXT WEEK! 

Thursday,  November 15th 6-8pm

Friday,  November 16th 9am-2pm

2059 40th Ave. Hudsonville, MI 49426

********Cash and Check ONLY*******

PS.... there will also be plenty of things for you to buy for yourselves 😉

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