Friday, September 26, 2014

Farmhouse Friday!

Happy Friday!
Isn't this weather beautiful? ??
We haven't had this kind of a stretch of nice weather all summer!
Hope you can get out and enjoy it this weekend!

This week on the farm has been another whirlwind of a week.....where has September gone? 
My husband and I have spent the week,  well, working and driving our kids around and getting "bleacher buns"!!! We are in the middle of football,  soccer, and tennis season,  and my tahoe is starting to smell like a locker room! !!

Austin Freshman football
Madison 7th and 8th tennis
Madison Chicago Fire Premier

Mom and Dad have been busy too! Mom has been working hard on her puppet ministry at church. It's a barnyard theme this year (imagine that ;)) It is called "Rise and Shine Farm"...and she has it decorated so cute! To top it off, my dad wears old - fashioned bibs and his John Deere hat, he looks adorable! (Sorry, no picture yet!)
BUT last but not least...the BARN!!!
As most of you already know we are building a cute. .ok, adorable barn on the farm!  It is coming along very nicely. .. we are waiting for the siding guy...and we have to finish the interior walls, lay the floor. ..and most importantly decorate and set it up!!!
With that all said, we are hoping to be done and ready by the middle of November! (Actual farming..with real tractors and combines...and soybeans, and corn...are taking the farmers time and slowing the process,  but what can I is a real, working farm!) will never be big enough to hold all our stuff....but its definitely a start! 
We can't wait to show more pictures as it gets closer! 

One more thing to share. ...A dear friend once shared with me this: "God has given you so many blessings,  that is why you are so busy."
Isn't that true for all of us?
We are blessed and I share this verse for today:
"This is the day the Lord has made,  let us rejoice and be glad in it!" Psalm 118:24

In all your busyness of today. . Thank Him! 

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