Friday, September 19, 2014

1 Corinthians 13

This week and next are all about weddings here on the farm. So exciting! Burlap and lace.... vintage barrels and baby's breath. ..cannot wait to decorate!!!!

We have been busy preparing for these two very special weddings... lots of time and preparation have gone into making each of these weddings perfect.. and these are two top notch couples! I can't wait to be part of their big day! 

 Today, as I spent some time praying for each of these couples and their families....I started to remember all the time and effort I put into my  own wedding day. Wow.. it was all about my "special" day!
BUT. ... what was I thinking? ??
Yes, that day was important. ..Yes, everything was beautiful. .. and Yes, the food was fantastic (that was the most important thing to my dad...he was paying after all!!!)
BUT, nobody told me what happened after that day!
I had this romantic fairytale stuck in my thick skull... but sometimes my marriage seems like a ticking time bomb,  just waiting to explode!  We were young. ..we didn't have alot of money. ..  we were complete opposites... and now we have 2 teenagers! !!

Love WAS failing me. ..or so I thought!

I had to remember, I was human. . My hubby was human. ..we (and our love) were going to "fail" at some point... and we did! It hasn't always been easy. .we have failed each other. . sometimes miserably, but love is patient.. love persevers. ..18 years later,  and we are still working at it! Marriage is a FULL time job!

So...that is it? No way,  the best is yet to come. ...It's true. .Love never fails...God's love that is.
God's love has no bad habits. ..'s perfect! Its the only true, pure, and unconditional love you will find!  

Today, I challenge you to read.. actual read 1st Corinthians 13.
When you read it, think about your marriage or relationship. .. how many times haven't we failed or done the exact opposite of this passage?? How can I do better with my spouse. all my relationships??

Next, read verses 4-8 like your Heavenly Father is reading it to you!  HIS love never fails, and keeps no records of wrongs! This is what He does for you. .. every minute of every day!

"And now these three remain:faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love. "

1 Corinthians 13:13

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