Friday, December 19, 2014

Crabby Christmas or Christmas Joy??

This past week, I (marcy) having been feeling the "stress" of christmas....too many presents, too many shoppers, too much food to make, too much traffic,  too little time! No fun! Ba-humbug! I have a headache!!!

But.... last night,  I had my office christmas party. We had a great time. ..great food, a few tears, lots of laughs, and lasting memories!  As I was reflecting on the day and night. ...I realized one thing. ... for me, I was losing the real meaning of what christmas should be. ..I was getting caught up in the "circus" of this season!
Christmas for me is and should be about Christ. ..the most beautiful gift God could give. ..simply a baby and the promise of eternity. Christmas shouldn't be about material things,  but eternal vision had been clouded! 
If I look back over the last few weeks, the things that have brought me the most joy.. are not material,  they are relationships! I had a great night with my grandma celebrating christmas at sunset manor.  I had a great night with my co-workers celebrating. I have attended some beautiful christmas concerts for my kids. I am making christmas cookies with "my other kids" @ youth group tomorrow and visiting the shut-ins.
I will be spending alot of time in the next week with my family and friends. .... these things bring me J.O.Y!!!

I am thanking God for His gift...His Son. ... and I am also thanking him for the other gift He has given me.... some incredible relationships.  Everything else is silly. the big picture. .. presents don't matter,  we won't starve,  BUT enjoy each other,  make some lasting memories. ... and remember the reason for the season. ...a little baby in a manger....JESUS... the greatest gift of all!

Wishing you a Joyful Christmas week!

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