Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Valentine's Weekend!

This weekend is all about love....
expensive flowers, long wait times for dinner,  and chocolate....yummy, yummy chocolate!
If you're anything like me. ....chocolate is the only good thing about this "holiday"!

Valentine's Day can be a very special day for some,  but it can also be a very lonely,  sad day for others.
I love to write and leave little "happy fun notes" or little love notes to some very special people in my life and as I was planning my "attack of notes" for today. made me think of something much greater!
There is someone that writes love notes to me every.! He doesn't care how many times I have screwed up....or how I have been ignoring  him, or care how angry I get with him when things don't go my way. ....He still loves me...He still "writes" me love notes......every stinking day!

He Loves Me....that's  right....God L.O.V.E.S me...yes, little ole' me...and He loves all of us....there is no greater love, there are no conditions.....just true love, pure love...everlasting love!

So, enjoy your holiday weekend. matter how much "earthly" love you receive.....remember you are loved, and "Heavenly" love is much greater! 

Luv ya all ;)

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