Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The day of the letter "P"

Today is the day!

If you are like me and have students
/children living in your house....today is the day of the letter "P"!

#1..PLANNED- we have "planned" out everything for this morning...Madison probably tried on 25 different outfits before she found the "right" one!

#2...PREPARED- we have ALL the school supplies they need....until they get to school today and the teacher gives them an updated version of the list for their specific class....we also have stocked piled the cupboards for the lunch pails (but with 2 teenagers,  it will last this week only! !!)

#3....PUSHED- we officially "pushed" them out the door this morning. ..only 185 more days of "pushing" til summer vacation!

#4...PRAYING- we usually start off or day with a prayer...but today we failed. ...it was raining and they needed to run to the bus. ..i was praying alone! 
The verse I was going to share with them was from:
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

And last but not least. ...
#5..PLAY -  today will be a big day of "PLAY" for alot of mom's. ..Target will be busy, Hobby Lobby will be busy, and Panera Bread will be standing room only. ...moms will be "playing" and no housework will be done! 

Hope you enjoy your back to school day. ..or the day of "P"!

P.S....And to all my teacher friends and bus driver friends....you are all saints. .THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO!

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