Friday, October 16, 2015

A Farmer's Daughter

I am a farmer's daughter....I was raised on a farm. I had two grandfather's that were farmers.
Therefore,  I should have known about the holiday we had this past week! No, I am not talking about Columbus Day....I am talking about National Farmers Day, Oct 12th.
This farming holiday is like every other holiday for a farmer....just another workday (actually its probably busier. ..its harvest season! )
No presents or cards are given. ...the mailman still delivers....and yes, even school is still in session! one knows about this important holiday!

When I was growing up, I appreciated being a farm kid....somedays! 

Don't get me wrong,  I have alot of fun memories on the farm: Building hay forts, riding cows, shooting bb guns, driving the farm truck thru the fields....and the list could go on and on!
But there were days I didn't appreciate it.... most of my close friends lived in the "city". They lived in subdivisions where your friends were a short bike ride away. They spent their weekends shopping and going to the movies.....and the only outdoor activity they did was T.P. a neighbors house. Their spring breaks and vacations were expensive and to far away places.Their "chores" consisted of picking up their clothes/room and doing dishes....not anything close to my "smelly" chores!

Now that I am an adult....and I can truly understand that growing up on a farm was a gift.  My parents worked/ still work extremely hard to have their farm. It has taught me alot of valuable things....I learned the value of hard work and that hard work can even be fun!
I learned that not all of the best meals are around the dinner table- tailgate meals in a dirt field during harvest sometimes taste the best and are the most fun!
I learned that life can be hard,  even unfair...but to trust in God in ALL circumstances.
I learned that life is better with memories, & never stop creating them.
Even today,  the "farm" is where we all gather.  On Saturday's the yard is full of trucks/cars. ...their are still children everywhere (grandchildren now)....and mom is still packing the picinic basket ( now it includes piles of Little Caesars pizzas) for the fields.
I don't think my parents would want it any other way!

So today/ this week....wether you grew up on a farm, live on a farm, or EAT anything.....take time to thank God for farmers!  They work hard for little pay, but they provide so much around you. your steak and potatoes!

Happy Farmers Day/week!

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