Friday, November 6, 2015

Maddie's Mission

This whole thing began a few years ago with my son.  He needed a little motivation during middle school,  so Steve and I made a deal with hard at school and make the honor roll....and he would get to go on the east coast trip with school friends or a hunting trip with his dad.
Long...very long story short. ..he made it, and the boys went pheasant hunting to South Dakota.
  Fast Forward...Madison enters middle school. Well,  she didn't need the motivation,  but as a parent you all know, what you do for one child... you do for all your children!
Sooo...we presented Madison with the same options... East coast trip with friends at school, or a fun vacation with me. I showed her all inclusives in Mexico, cruises, even a "dude ranch" in Colorado.
Her response. intergenerational mission trip with people from our church!
I tried so hard to talk her out of it....I explained that she could have so much more fun with her friends or zip lining in Mexico, or anything with horses...she loves horses! But her response was always the same. .."I want to go on a mission trip. ..I want to love those kids in the orphanage!"
  Satan has been working really hard in my heart. can i let my 13/14 year old go to Guatemala?
I would have to go along. ..another week off work...more time away from home!
The COST!! Hello. ..think of what we could do with the $3000 + its going to cost!!

A few weeks ago while I was driving.. (yes...some of my best prayer time comes while I am driving! Don't worry,  my eyes stay open!)
I realized (finally listened to God!) that I am a firm believer in youth going on short term mission trips,  heck I go on one every year! How is this any different? ??
I have a girl who wants to give up friends,  technology,  soccer. ..everything... to go on a mission trip with her mom and people from her church. ..(no one is even close to her age)...and serve Jesus Christ!

Amen...say no more,God...we are going to Guatemala! our Christmas Sale on the 19th and 20th, Madison will be selling some things. .from scarves and mittens to beach bag towels. 100% of the sales of the things in Maddie's room will go to her mission trip fund!


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