Saturday, November 21, 2015

Confession time!

Confession time!!!

I don't LOVE doing devotions at night. ....I am usually exhausted and have no problem falling asleep, but last night I had a hard time. We had a busy week with the sale,  and last night we went to dinner with some special friends.  It was filled with laughter, people watching. ..more laughing,  and for me....way to much Mountain Dew!!!
So... as my wonderful husband was snoring, I reached for my Ipad...but couldn't find it in the dark. My hand instead rested on my Jesus Calling devotional. I think sometimes God has a great sense of humor. ...He knows I need to spend less time on Netflix and PIntrest...and more time with Him, especially at night!
I gave in, grabbed the book...and even scrounged up a source of light. ..the light of the alarm clock (pathetically hard on my eyes,  I know...don't judge! )
It amazes me how "perfect" this devo speaks to me sometime,  almost scary perfect! This was one of those days.
  My mind WAS full of thankfulness tonight!  Earlier in the day, mom and I had sat at the kitchen table reflecting on the past 48 hours and sharing our stories and blessings. We reflected on conversations with old friends, the meeting of new friends,  and how God had brought special "treasures" or friends onto the farm this week! We were humbled by the amount of love and support Madison received - it was an amazing testimony for a 13 year old to absorb, she still wonders how to say "thanks"!
  We know the "sale" is just about stuff (possessions) to most. ...but to us its always been much bigger....its all about God's Simple Blessings!
To us its about spending time with each other....wether its time in the shop or road trips, we are making memories and having alot of laughs along the way. It's also about sharing God's love,  and maybe making someone else's day a little brighter.

And as I layed in bed, absorbing this devotional...I did thank God for my "bouquet" of blessings. ...and I THANK each and every one of you for being part of that big bouquet!

God Bless!


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