Monday, December 12, 2016

Christmas traditions

This past weekend was a crazy, hectic weekend. We squeezed in a birthday party,  a slumber party, christmas cookies, cleaning, laundry, decorating a tree, shopping, church, gift wrapping, a soccer game,  and even an 8 point buck....not to mention a snow storm!

Whew....I am exhausted just typing it all!
But.....I L.O.V.E this time of year! It brings out the sentimental part of me....and I am probably not alone!

I love the traditions that come along with it!

One of our family traditions is that we go as a family and cut our Christmas trees. Don't get me wrong. ....there are a few that grumble, but we always have a few good laughs and a few funny stories that come out of this adventure....and then we fill our bellies afterward at Pizza Ranch (it's amazing how the attitudes change when Dad pays the bill and the kids can eat all they want! )

Sometimes traditions are worth holding on to!
And...sometimes you have to start new traditions!
This year,  I decided that we should try making christmas cookies!  
If you know us at is not our Forte!
We LOVE to eat....just not make ;)
So...this tradition started "our" way.  I picked up a box of precut christmas cookies, frosting, and sprinkles from Gordon money spent!
We did bake them ourselves, and then the girls had a great time decorating them.
We sang christmas songs, laughed, spilled, and ate way too much frosting....a new tradition was born! 
The one thing I's not about how many cookies you make,  it's not about how pretty they are,  it's not even about the fact that you "cheated" and bought them precut. ... but IT IS about the fact that you spend time with each other! It's as simple as that!
For me, it comes down to a simple equation:
Sooo....bring on those traditions!
My hope and prayer is that you and your family have your own traditions..... and regardless if you do or don't..... I challenge you this holiday season to start a new tradition!  
Find something to do with your loved ones! 
Give the gift of TIME!
It's the best gift you could give! 

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of when my mom was still living and our kids were little. She bought a big tin of butter cookies and each kid got a tube of red and a tube of green frosting. The kids decorated to their hearts content. A few even got licked off and redecorated!


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