Monday, January 9, 2017

Packing Day!

Good Morning Y'all!  

(Practicing my Texan talk!)This is the week we have been waiting for!!!

Mom, Madison, and I are heading to Waco Texas and the Magnolia Silos for a "girls only hunting trip".....or as my hubby calls it his " Nightmare" trip!
He thinks this is going to cause big trouble for him....either our credit card bill will be outrageous next month,  OR/AND I will come home with a thousand new ideas for him to help me with! I just call this "even" for all the hunting trips he goes on!

Today is packing day! 

The List:
1.Clothes- a few comfy layering outfits (going to be in the low to mid 70's!)

2. Shoes- comfortable tennis shoes. ...and flip flops (a girls gotta dream!  Plus...70's will feel HOT compared to the last week in Michigan!)

3. Snacks- we never travel without peanut M &M's! Oh...and yes, we are also taking a teenager- we don't need a HANGRY teen! Keep her fed, she will shop longer!

4. Waterbottle....need to stay hydrated!

5. Sunglasses and chapstick- must haves when soaking up the rays!

6. chargers, camera, passport,  tickets, toothbrush, etc....this is where you determine what you can live without when space is an issue! My famous theory: "you can always find a walmart! "

7. Last but not least: large IKEA shopping bags!!! The Magnolia Silos are having a huge warehouse sale on Saturday and these bags will be perfect! The roll up into almost nothing,  but will hold a ton saturday! 

People have been asking. ...and yes, we plan on taking lots of pictures and keeping detailed notes during our adventures and we will keep you posted in case you want to plan your own adventure to Waco someday!

~Blessings to Y'all!

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