Thursday, January 26, 2017

Gray skies.... again, and again...

I am starting to feel a little blah, actually a lot of blah!!! Am I the only one who is missing the sun????

It seems like the past month the weather has been extremely dreary and gross, actually...down right depressing!

Enough is enough! Time to find my "happy place! "

That's right, we headed to Lowe's and loaded up on some supplies. It was quite an adventure since we didn't take the big red truck....we took my malibu, but before you laugh out does fit 8 ft boards! We got a few funny looks, but it all fit (including our groceries)....and we could still drive safely home! 

After our time in at Magnolia, we came home with some new inspiration. 
So...back to the shop we go!
Watch the blog/Facebook page in the next few weeks for some new spring products!


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