Friday, February 3, 2017

I am only asking for 2 more hours....

Seriously....just two more hours,  just 120 minutes,  just 7,200 seconds...that's all I need! Anyone with me???

I NEED my days to be longer, 24 hours in a day just isn't cutting it!
I get up early, and go to bed late...and I still don't feel like I can get everything accomplished!

I have been cleaning out our basement and last night I found a box of old, mismashed pictures! Needless to say, it was the end of my cleaning and organizing!
There were some old, really old pictures! They ranged from our wedding (20 years ago! ) to probably about 4 years more recent pictures are still trapped in my phone/camera!
I was completely alone in the corner of my basement, laughing hysterically at our "style", our hair (my husband had a mullet....and a perm...i need to say no more!!!!), and the fun memories we have had!

And then my laughter turned to tears!  We have been blessed with soooo many good times, but we have also endured some pretty tough times. We have lost people that we have loved and miss so much, but God has brought us new people to love and children to watch grow! It's amazing to see how life changes in 20 years!
It made me think of the saying:
"God is good all the time,  ALL the time God IS good!"
I may not understand His timing,  I might not understand His plans....but I know He loves us, He cares for us, and He has a great sense of humor (the pictures showed that!)

Sitting in the corner, I realized something else....(obviously I am not a fast took 40 years to learn).... God gives us the GIFT of time! It's truly a gift!
He has given us 24 hours... or 1440 minutes...or 86,400 seconds every day to do with what WE want!
It's called free will!

What will we do with our time?  Who will we fill our day with?
So many possibilities!

But as I sat selfishly thinking thru those possibilities, I started yearning for more time...I NEED more time! 24 hours just doesn't cut it...even if I take out the laundry and cleaning....and even the Netflix...I still want more, I want to do more!

And then the light bulb came on....God HAS given me the gift of time.  He gives me a blank slate of time each will I use it? Will I use it for myself? my friends? my family, or Him and His kingdom????
That seems like a lot of pressure, doesn't it?
But honestly as I sit and think about is ACTUALLY less pressure! Life isn't a race....its not about how much money you make,  how clean your house is, or where you take your kids on spring break (can you tell our dinner table discussion tonight! )'s bigger, even better than that!

Everyday is a gift of time from God...use it, every second of it...clean, make dinner, get groceries, work 8-5, do laundry, laugh, cry, drive to soccer, create, paint, study, read, whatever God is calling you to Do it for God's glory!
Do it with the best of your ability...even when your tired!

It's really about the little things....the minutes,  the seconds God gives you....those turn into the big things that matter in God's plan for your life! You might not see it today, but those minutes and second count!

My prayer for today:

Let's make the most of God's 86,400 seconds today!

Let's not just fit God in today, lets actually LET GOD DO TODAY!

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