Thursday, March 9, 2017

Mountains and Mole Hills....turn into Tulips?!

This past week was a dousy...!

I have been sick for basically the last 2 + weeks with the "crud"...on and off fever,  sore throat, sinus infection,  terrible know, the same thing everyone else has right now!
Last week was also our 20th wedding anniversary,  sounds fun right....NOT this year!  Tuesday started off with a bang...literally! As I was heading into work,  I hit a huge deer. was a big buck,  made my husband proud. not so much!  My new car is now at the body shop with a minimum of $6500 in damage,  thank goodness for insurance! Finished the day with dinner a.k.a...watching him eat,  while i sat with a fever and wishing I was in bed!
Basically...that's how the rest of my week went....terrible!

Fast forward to this Monday:
I was still feeling under the weather,  but made it thru a very,  very long day of work and came home around 8:30pm. My husband greeted me at the door with a bouquet of beautiful tulips! He said," How was your day?  You got flowers! " He had a huge smile on his face and looked so proud! I was quite surprised,( he is not a flower all!)
I said,  " wow, you got me flowers....that was so sweet! " and leaned in to give him a kiss. To my surprise, he leaned away. ..and I noticed the color draining from his face.  He said,  ",  they aren't from me,  they were on the back step when I got home. "
Oops.... I think I chuckled a little too loud,  because he then looked like a sad puppy dog with his tail between his legs!
I grabbed the beautiful bouquet and read the sweet card from a friend, she knew just how to cheer me up!

The story gets even sweeter!
This friend and her sister,(another friend) were talking on Monday morning and decided they wanted to brighten a few peoples day by bringing fresh flowers around.  They gathered up some Ball jars ( and decided they weren't going to can anymore anyway! ) And picked up some fresh tulips and brought them around to a few people that were struggling with different things this week!

It was such a beautiful, sweet, simple, heart felt gesture! I felt so made my day,  actually it made my week! Everytime I look at those flowers in my kitchen,  I think of those 2 sisters.
To them it was a simple morning of fun, driving around and surprising friends.... and cleaning out their cupboards of all those unused jars! me its a great reminder of LOVE...God's love, and God's blessings.  He has blessed me with their friendship and given them hearts of gold...and the desire to share His love with others!

My week might have been full of mountains and bumpy mole hills.... but because God has brought these two special gals into my life AND God has given them amazing hearts. ... my week turned beautiful!

God is Good!

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