Saturday, October 14, 2017

Matthew 17:20

It's Saturday morning and natural alarm clock goes off and my feet hit the since in staying in bed, I won't sleep anyway.

It's raining here, which kind of screws up my plans for the day,  so I head down stairs to my craft room (there is always something to work on this time of year!) and turn my computer on.

But...I just sit here...on my metal bar stool...(which is still blue,  because I am too "busy" to spray paint my garage sale find! ).....and enjoy the quiet. The kids are still sleeping, my hubby is in the pole barn...and my mind begins to wander.
I look around and see this beautiful craft room with white shiplap, wood floors,  an island, vintage cabinets, and industrial piping for hubby couldn't have done a better job! 
This isn't just a craft room, its in some ways my "sanctuary". You see when I am in my craft room,  there are no TVs...or Netflix...its just me and a big 'ol mess of crafty crap!
But here in this craft room is where I have come to realize,  God is ALWAYS "with you"....even in your messes!
In fact,  I probably spend more time talking with God in my craft room,  than anywhere else (except maybe my car! )
And on this rainy Saturday morning, my eyes find this sign that I have hanging in my room:

"Faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. " Matthew 17:20.

Over the last year, there have been some big changes in our lives..some of them have come with hurts,  but most have come with extreme blessings! All of these changes were things we couldn't see or predict....but they were from God...He was changing OUR plans.. and we need to have just a little bit of faith....a mustard seed of faith.
This year God has been using me and teaching me about some really big things...grace, forgiveness, peace, but most importantly about "blind" faith. I must be a VERY slow learner,  because God has given me a TON of examples! 

But, the biggest example is about Guatemala! I have this incredible, but long story about the how and the why, but to sum it up: Madison and I are going back with a team of 15 to Guatemala in February for 8 days. I will explain more in the future, but for now,  please start praying for our team!

Also, please save the dates for our Christmas sale on the Farm : November 16 6-8pm, Nov.17 9-2pm. We will be sharing how you will have the opportunity to help us "Let our light shine! " as it gets closer! 


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