Thursday, November 16, 2017

IT'S HERE! Let the Sale begin!

WOW, I have butterflies!
Usually mom is the one all worked up and full of nerves on sale day...but not this year...its ME (the calm one! )

It started yesterday as I was driving into work, I started thinking (just like mom does every year), what if no one comes?!! What would we do with all this stuff? I was all stressed at work,  but my "bucket filling" friends at work assured me I was crazy...they were like my own personal cheerleaders in scrubs! Love 'em!

But this morning, my fears returned.... I literally thought I could puke...
What if we "invested" all this time and money into this sale and it's all left?  What a waste!?
I started asking myself, what changed? Why am I feeling this way?
And I think I finally figured it out!!!
In years past, mom and I would spend months "picking", refurbishing,  and working in the shop. We always were excited for sale,  because we wanted to keep the prices low, share the joy of christmas,  and with the profits bless was as simple as that!
But not this year...this year it's more personal to me.  We have had all the fun doing the same things....until today.  Today it's personal! You see,  I am now "fully invested" in the outcome of this sale....before there was no monetary goal....but today, in my mind there is a huge goal, and TWO families are depending on it!

So this morning,  I laid in bed and reread Matthew 25: The Parable of the Talents...and my fear turned into peace.
God has blessed us with the talents (the physical gifts and the monetary gifts) to be able to put together this sale.  We have "pooled our talents" and invested them, just as God has asked of us....that's IT.
I only needed to do what God asked of me...He will take care of the rest!
God will give us what we stand in need....if He has other plans for our team to raise the money for those homes,  then that's OK!
I am not in control HE is!

So tonight or tomorrow if you come to the farm, we will greet you with smiles and laughs,  hearts filled with joy and PEACE, and we won't pressure you to buy a thing.... because we have been faithful servants and we know that God has a plan!

Hope to see you all soon!


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