Thursday, February 1, 2018

Hello February!'s February already. I haven't posted in a while, we have been extremely busy with just, plain ole life!
But this morning, it really hit's February and that means our misson trip to Guatemala is right around the corner!
We have a team of 15 incredible women...we are "His Faithful Dream Team". These women have different gifts and talents, but God pursued each one of them for His specific misson! We will be building 2 homes,  providing dental and medical care to 3 remote villages,  and helping out in the orphanage where need be.
The packing for our trip has begun...we will have around 45 suitcases and 15 backpacks FULL of supplies, care items, toys, and donations that we have collected.  GOD IS GOOD!
We are excited....but also very nervous. It is a 3rd world country with unrest...we are leaving our families. ..we are leaving all the "comforts of home". We are flying- not everyone is a fan of airplanes!  We are "germ a phoebes", we don't want to get sick! Some have never been on a mission trip,  some have never left the US! They say it's extremely hot and "buggy" there right now. ....okay, I could go on and on, but you get it...we ARE NERVOUS, and we NEED you!

We NEED and COVET your prayers!

Back in November,  we sold lanterns as part of our's time to dust them off and start lighting them! We need your prayers as we pack and as we get our families ready for our absences. Pray that we will remain healthy even with all the sickness around us. Pray for us as we prepare our hearts and minds to serve. And we will need LOTS of prayers for our nerves!

These are all prayers for our needs. ...but we also need prayers for the Guatemalans that we will come in contact with.  Open their ears, hearts, and minds to our message... God's message. Pray that they may see God's love and NOT our shortcomings! 

I will post again right before we leave on the 19th. I will have more specific prayer requests and info on how you can follow us during our trip. 

Thank you in advance for all your prayers! 

Marcy,  Maddie,  and Ann Marie

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